From The Pen of Bella Monster

Welcome Bella fans!

Stephanie Gibree
Animator and Intern at PST!
Today is usually the day Bella Monster makes her 'My New Favorite Thing' post, but this week I am going to post on her behalf. My name is Stephanie Gibree and I am a recent college graduate of Massachusetts College of Art and Design from the Animation Department.  I have a passion for children’s media and a love of bringing my wildest imaginations to life through animating. I have also been lucky enough to have the privilege to intern at the amazing Puppet Showplace Theatre this summer!

As the Marketing and Graphic Design intern I had many projects to bounce from. I had a blast working on them all, such as helping design flyers for upcoming shows and animating the Puppet Showplace Logo for a future video channel.

I was always hesitant about taking on an internship in fear that I wouldn't have any active responsibility and would be somewhere getting people coffee. I am thankful I chose Puppet Showplace Theatre because I had so many opportunities to try something new and I learned so much in this short period of time.

I also made a lot of great connections such as participating and showing my work in this summer's Puppet Slam. I admired every piece and was grateful to be a part of something so one of a kind.

Yes, that’s who I was about 60% of the time.

Though I have to confess that I have been leading a double life these past few months. You see, I am also the voice and heart behind Bella Monster's weekly blog posts, 'My New Favorite Thing'. I have been living Bella's social media life and Monstering all over Brookline! I have been Monster tweeting, Monster blogging, Monster photographing and Monster living, loving and laughing!

My goal in these weekly blog posts was to present information about upcoming shows in a way that puppet fans would admire. If someone is visiting our blog, that means they love puppetry so why not let the puppet do the talking? 

I hope you have enjoyed reading Bella's posts as much as I have enjoyed writing them. It's been a pleasure investigating the world of puppetry with the curious, fabulous, and loving Bella Monster. Bella has a joy for life and that joy is contagious. I can’t say I will miss her, only because I will never leave her behind.

Thank you to everyone at Puppet Showplace Theatre who helped give me an amazing internship. I learned a lot from all of you. I am very thankful for the opportunity. It was a great summer!

With Love,
 Stephanie Gibree and Bella Monster

Jack Tuesday: Fairytale Investigator
By LionHeart Puppets
Saturday, September 8, 2012 @ 1:00pm

The puppet investigation continues with Jack Tuesday, Fairytale Investigator! For our last case, me and Bella would like to tell you a little about this weeks up coming show. Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them...But Jack Tuesday's the guy who can figure out why someone would try to hide them! Audiences will love this original "whodunit" mystery show, starring a cast of familiar storybook characters and the world's greatest (and only?) fairytale detective. Hope to see you there!