Puppet Showplace Theater

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Show Changes and Store Updates

Well! It has been a little while since the last update. This is a good sign because it means that we have been busy. busy, busy! We've put up some great puppets and some awesome vintage posters in the theater to showcase a little of our nearly 35 year history.

Vacation week is nearly upon us, and we strongly recommend reserving your tickets ahead of time. February vacation is traditionally a busy week for us, and this year we have some great shows! We're kicking everything off with a great ventriloquy show called "The Magic Trunk" this weekend

We had originally scheduled "The Golden Touch of King Midas" for 2/18 and 2/19, but now the Perry Alley Puppet Theater will be performing "Snow White And Other Tales". Please be sure to make note of this on your schedules. .

Finally, as you are most assuredly aware, Valentine's Day is on 2/14 (Thursday!). What better gift to give swwethearts than a puppet? Sure, maybe we have puppets on the brain here at the PST... but trust us: Nothing says I love you like a puppy marionette!