Puppet Showplace Theater

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NEW 3/21 & 3/22 @ PST: Crabgrass Puppet Theatre's <i>The Last Dragon on Earth</i>!

The Puppet Showplace Theatre welcomes Crabgrass Puppet Theatre for two days (Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22) of performances of their show The Last Dragon on Earth.

Here's more about the show: For as long as anyone can remember, princes have fought dragons and rescued princesses. It's just the way things have always been done. But what happens when the princess doesn't need rescuing and the dragon is the very last one on Earth?

This modern fairy tale is a wonderful introduction to the concept of endangered species and is brought to life with Crabgrass Puppet Theatre's blend of beautiful puppets, fabulous scenery–full of caves and castles–and hysterically funny action.

Tickets are still available! Call the PST Box Office at (617) 731-6400 or purchase online.

The Last Dragon on Earth is recommended for ages 4 and up.

Please note this is a change in the schedule for the weekend from Jack and the Beanstalk by Spring Valley Puppets. If you've already purchased or reserved tickets for a Jack & the Beanstalk performance this weekend, a member of our Box Office staff will be in touch with you. Our apologies for any inconvenience, and we thank you for your understanding.

The Puppet Showplace Theatre looks forward to welcoming Spring Valley Puppets back to the stage on 5/2 and 5/3 for The Lazy Fox and Other Tales.