Puppet Showplace Theater

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Meet the Artist: Faye Dupras

Who is the one behind the makings of The Great Red Ball Rescue? None other than Faye Dupras, who has an adorable yet suspenseful sea adventure in store for you this week. 

The Great Red Ball Rescue
by Faye Dupras
Wednesday, July 22 at 10:30am & 1pm
Thursday, July 23 at 10:30am 1pm
Friday, July 24 at 10:30am, 1pm & 7pm
Saturday, July 25 at 10:30am & 1pm

Faye Dupras posing with one of her puppets.

Faye Dupras grew up doing art and theater but it wasn’t until she accidentally stumbled upon a puppet exhibition in rural Ontario in the mid 90’s that she decided to become a puppeteer. Luck was on her side, within the month she was apprenticing under the exhibit’s curator, Canada’s acclaimed puppeteer Noreen Young. To broaden her training Faye continued to work as a puppeteer while completing a BFA in “Theater and Development” from Concordia University in Montreal followed by an MFA in “Puppetry Arts” from the University of Connecticut. This allowed for many diverse experiences: performing around the world (France, Costa Rica, Spain, Brazil) and designing, directing, and building for numerous puppet and theater companies. Since 2004 Faye has been the artistic director of Foreign Landscapes Productions under which she has created several award-winning performances, including "By The Willow," which received an UNIMA-USA citation of excellence, the highest recognition in American puppetry. Critics have described Faye’s work as “spellbinding,” “imaginative,” and “powerful.” "The Great Red Ball Rescue" is Faye's first full-length show for young audiences.